Arbitration and Litigation with Professionals

Rațiu & Partners lawyer team has an extensive experience in assisting and successfully representing both public institutions and entities, as well as private companies, in the resolution of complex disputes with high financial and reputational stakes.

The legal services include:

Under the careful coordination of Gheorghe NĂSTASE, renowned lawyer and international arbitrator, the Rațiu & Partners team offers highly professional legal assistance and representation services in resolving disputes initiated before courts of any kind: courts-of-law of any degree, administrative fora (CNSC) or specific fora to FIDIC contracts (engineer, dispute adjudication commission or arbitration).

The results of the legal assistance and representation services offered by Rațiu & Partners lawyers to public entities materialized, for example, in the exemption of the Romanian state from paying considerable sums regarding the compensations requested by the executors of the infrastructure works by obtaining favorable final solutions before arbitral tribunals.

As for private clients, Rațiu & Partners lawyers achieved remarkable results, both before the CNSC and the common law courts, and before the arbitral tribunals organized according to the rules of the Arbitration Court in Paris or of the Court attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.

Avocați specializați

Coordinator of the Arbitration and Litigation with Professionals Department